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JERRAULD C. JONES Thank you so much for the opportunity to be with you this evening. The weather where I live had me worried we might not be able to make it tonight, but fortunately - we were able to pack our things and brave the elements to be with you this evening. I especially want to welcome my fellow legislators who join me this evening. For some reason, they seem to show up everywhere I am lately. I don't know if I should be flattered or suspicious. But, in the spirit of the season, I welcome them and I am sure I will be seeing them again at my next campaign stop. Today being December 4th, and Election Day being four weeks ago tomorrow, believe me when I tell you I have sat through and listened to more election postmortems . . . . analysis . . . second-guessing . . . . planning and every conceivable meeting to study what went right and where things went wrong than you might imagine. I've heard MORE than enough and more than you want to hear . . .and I did promise Steve I wouldn't spend time this evening re-hashing it all again . . . . ESPECIALLY a Southern state that sits just across from Cuba and where it is utter chaos as we speak. But I'm also not here tonight to talk about my family vacation last summer or the intricate details of the US-China trade agreement or "14 Ways to Ensure Financial Security." But we are Democrats here tonight. We are Democrats gathered together to celebrate a season of hope and promise. We are Democrats together who live lives of hope and promise. I hope we all leave here tonight feeling good . . and hopeful . . . and filled with a spirit of neighbor helping neighbor. So, since we ARE a political gathering, I DO have to combine this message of hope with SOME politics. So tonight, I want to leave you with a message that you can carry out into your everyday lives and tell others . . . . WHY it is GOOD to be a Democrat. I feel the best way to plunge right in to that is to address the pointless charges and attacks our friends on the other side of the aisle . . . .the FAR side of the aisle like to accuse Democrats of each elections cycle. If one of the . . . a REPUBLICAN . . . .has sneaked into this gathering tonight, I hope he or she takes notes and goes back and tells other Republicans what I believe here tonight. First . . . . I BELIEVE IN INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY . . . . . . My father was an attorney who started his own practice. He served his community by serving on the Norfolk School Board. He was the first African-American to serve on the State Board of Education. My mother raised three sons and taught school in the Norfolk Public Schools. We were not on welfare. We never asked for a handout of any kind. My parents believed deeply that you could do anything in life PROVIDED YOU WERE WILLING TO WORK FOR IT . . .AND WORK HARD. My parents drilled the idea into my brothers and me the idea that you yourself were responsible for your actions and your destiny. They were determined to instill in us the belief that you took your life into your own hands and shaped your future. They ALSO . . . however . . . taught us that part of living in this world . . indeed, this country . . . was to help those less fortunate . . those in need . . .those who did not have the opportunities that we were blessed with . . . those whose only need was centered on survival. We were taught the Biblical prophesy until it came to us like breathing . . . "For of everyone to whom much is given, much will be required." We were made to understand that meant reaching out and giving a hand up to those who were down. My parents believed this . . . my brothers and I believed this . . .and to this day . . . I BELIEVE THIS . .. . and I AM A DEMOCRAT. Which brings me to my next belief . . . that of social responsibility. . . . . . I BELIEVE IN SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Some of you may remember a comment made by Texas REPUBLICAN Dick Armey . . . . I'm sorry . . . I know some of you just ate . . . . but Armey's comment was . . . "social responsibility is nothing more than a euphemism for personal irresponsibility." I find that kind of comment cruel and inhuman. It is one steeped in ignorance and marinated in stupidity. It reeks of the kind of attitude that infests so many Republicans these days. I wonder if he has the courage to tell that to the American Red Cross . . . the United Way . . . the American Cancer Society . . . . the Juvenile Diabetes Association . . . . the National Council of Churches . . . . I'm sure he doesn't. The sad thing is that there are actually people roaming this earth . . . indeed, the halls of Congress . . . who DO believe this. I don't, and I believe we have a responsibility to look after our fellow man when they are down and need a hand UP. I believe in serving the poor and disadvantaged, not making scapegoats of them. I believe in compassion to those whose vices and views are unacceptable to me, not judging them or turning them away. Dr. Martin Luther King reminded us of this once when he said: "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others. In dangerous valleys and hazardous pathways, he will lift some bruised and beaten brother to a higher and more noble life." My religion preaches love and acceptance for ALL people, not division and hate. And unlike the televangelists who grin and shout and wave their Bibles on our TV screens, I believe - as my parents taught me - the Biblical beatitude that says . . . "to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God." I BELIEVE THIS . . . AND I AM A DEMOCRAT. I BELIEVE IN THE FAMILY. . . . . . . . I believe in a home with both parents raising their children. I believe that children who have BOTH parents involved in their lives have a greater chance to succeed. I believe that part of raising children is instilling in them the ideals and values that not only teach them to succeed in life, but how to treat others, especially those who are less fortunate. I come from a family with three boys and two working parents. We were pushed and pushed HARD to get a good education. We were involved in our church and we were told CONSTANTLY that part of living on this Earth was giving back to others for what we had been blessed with - and it is an ideal that I teach my son each and every day. We were taught to understand that the family is the backbone and fabric of our society. I BELIEVE THIS . . . AND I AM A DEMOCRAT. I BELIEVE IN PUBLIC EDUCATION. . . . . . . I believe we have a responsibility to do all that we can to ensure that each and every child who wants an education is able to get one. I believe we must do our best as parents . . as citizens . . and, in my case, as a legislator . . .to see to it that those who want an education and want to build strong lives of their own should get that education. They should not have to be denied it because public money that is earmarked for THEIR school gets siphoned off to private schools. I believe they should have a safe school to go to every day without fear of guns and violence threatening their lives. I want our public schools to be safe, clean halls of learning where our children can learn the basics and fulfill the promise and potential of their lives. I BELIEVE IN STRONG PUBLIC EDUCATION FOR ALL PEOPLE . . . . AND I AM A DEMOCRAT. I BELIEVE IN ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL PEOPLE . . . . . not just tax breaks for a few. If there is one thing, outside the spiritual realm, that makes this country thrive and families secure, it is jobs. When a person can come home from a hard day of work and put food on the table for their family and a roof over the head, they feel a sense of dignity. They feel a sense of self-worth. They feel that their existence does indeed matter. When people can work and provide for their families, WE ALL win. Crime rates go down, local tax revenues go up, and families are much more likely to stay together. If there is one area that needs our attention in our Commonwealth, as political leaders in Virginia, we need to understand the diversity in our state and the economic needs of each and every area. We must understand what it takes to see that each and every local economy grows and provides jobs, so that families can take care of THEMSELVES and contribute to society. This means not just working for large corporations or small businesses, but to individual workers, entrepreneurs and the single mother or father who merely wants to provide for their family. I BELIEVE IN ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL . . .AND I AM A DEMOCRAT. Actually . . . . I could go on and on this evening about these things that I believe and how different they are from what the Republican Right would force on us. But I took the time for this for two reasons. One, I wanted to clarify and correct some of the myths and false accusations that the Republican Right have hurled at Democrats and the general public over the years. I wanted it clear to everyone that Democrats believe in many of the basic rights and privileges that ALL Americans believe in. But I wanted to remove the horns the Republicans tried to pin on us and show you that it is not at all unlikely to believe strongly in these beliefs and still live and thrive as a Democrat. The other reason is this . . . . . . and it is an IMPORTANT and VITAL reason I want everyone here tonight to understand. It's an accepted belief after the last couple of years and elections that the Democratic Party of Virginia has taken a few too many punches and are feeling the effects. But I think it is SO important to begin . . .TONIGHT . . . with EACH OF YOU . . . to go out . . . .and as John Kennedy once said . . . "Let the word go forth . ." . . . . but to let all Virginians know: We are Democrats . . .we are Virginians . . . we hold deep and abiding beliefs in our families, in our religion, and in our basic freedoms. And that, I say with GREAT PRIDE, it is good to be a Virginian . . .and a DEMOCRAT IN VIRGINIA. To those who say it is a bad time to be a Democrat in Virginia, I say . . . . THINK AGAIN. We are a proud party. We are a party that has served prominently in this Commonwealth for much of our almost 300 year history. We can look back just to when Chuck Robb and Jerry Baliles and Doug Wilder served as governors with Democratic legislatures and see how Virginia THRIVED then. We served proudly, and we have a track record we can brag about. I venture to say, if anything has hurt us the last few years, it is NOT because we are DEMOCRATS. It is because we have not done enough to tell the world HOW WELL we have done as leaders in the Commonwealth. We have not done enough to proclaim where we stand as Democrats and how PROUD we are to be Democrats. And this is SO important now. We all know . . .although I just found out today . . . . we have our statewide elections again next November. While some talk pessimistically about the upcoming election, I beg to differ. We have a wonderful opportunity if we talk about the great things that have come about in this state THANKS TO DEMOCRATS. We have an opportunity to let everyone know what we believe and how proud we are to be Democrats. We have the opportunity to take this record of service and recruit others to join us as we work to live our beliefs and ideals. And for those of you who are thinking . . . "Jones, you're out of touch my man. You are asking for a bull's-eye on your back if you do that . ." I again say . . . NONSENSE. We will never grow and thrive if we play the part of the wilting flower . . the spurned lover . . . the timid mouse running from the big rat. No one wins anything that way. Let's face it . . . if life has taught us anything, it is not that those who have the least problems live the richest lives. To the contrary . . .what it has taught us is that WE ALL will have problems in every facet of our lives. What counts is who gets off the mat and continues to fight. Who takes a punch and punches back. Who REFUSES to be defeated. Who refuses to tuck their tail and retreat. Who stands up and asks: "Is that your best punch?" and then comes back swinging. Don't forget . . .there was a period not so long ago when there were only 9 Republicans in the state Senate and less than 20 in the House of Delegates. The Republicans hung in there and regrouped and fought back, and if we refuse to do the same, then we have blatantly betrayed our Party and its principles. I WILL NOT DO THAT. I WILL NOT BACK DOWN. I WILL NOT STAY DOWN FOR THE 10-COUNT. I BELIEVE WE HAVE MUCH TO OFFER AS A PARTY . . . . SO MUCH TO OFFER AS VIRGINIANS . . . AND AN OPPORTUNITY TO COME BACK STRONG AS A PARTY . . . . AND I AM A DEMOCRAT. We are a wonderful party with superb people working within our ranks and taking the many responsibilities that come with that. We have good ideas, energy, and leaders who will take us back to the mountain top. We MUST FIGHT. We must offer hope and optimism and energy. We must stand up and say . . . . WE BELIEVE . . . . WE REACH OUT. . . . WE WILL FIGHT. . . . . . . .AND . . . WE . . . .ARE . . . .DEMOCRATS. As we lead this fight and as we reach out to others and tell them what we are about, remember this line from the famous attorney, Clarence Darrow, in explaining his life's work: "I speak for the poor, the weak, for the weary; for that long line of men who, in darkness and despair have borne the labors of the human race." Join me please as we undertake this mission for the next 11 months and beyond. We will not do it alone or isolated within the confines of our particular county or city. We will not do it divided or with rancor. We will not do it without looking to each other for support and leadership. But . . .WE WILL DO IT. We will fight back . . . . and we WILL PREVAIL. So next year, at your Christmas party, I can stand here as the newly elected Lieutenant Governor of Virginia and say to you all . . . . . WE . . . .did it. WE . . . won. WE . . . .did it together. Again, thank you so much for inviting me here this evening. It was WELL WORTH the trip for us and it has been such an enjoyable time for us. I promise you . . .for the next 11 months . . .I will be back time and time again. And I look forward to it. Thank you, and God bless each and every one of you.