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Hi, George, My campaign website is http://www.cvillesafetynet.com/hawkins/ A write-in candidate is equal under the law as any other candidate. Sally Thomas currently on the board of county supervisors won as a write-in. I am having a hard time getting media coverage because of my write-in status even though my ideas are more powerful and specific than any other candidate. I don't have any money to buy political advertisement. I rely on word of mouth and business cards. Xeroxed posters are in the future. I have a petition drive to support my candidacy. I am thinking about taking the campaign national to get media coverage. I am drafting a letter to the President requesting federal martials to be dispatched to Charlottesville to stop revenue sharing because it is taxation without representation and blackmail based on threat to annex. Both are crimes against freedom. Civil disobedience is higher than I have seen. I was born and raised in this town in a poor family. I see what is going on and I don't like it. I see the system from the other side. I have a B.S. in meteorology from NC State. I am a former 2nd Lieutenant of the Infantry. I am strongly in favor of private property rights. I recommend the city declare 2000 as amnesty year. Let people pay what they paid last year. Let individuals contribute revenue to the city by working and shopping in the city. No property tax increase means the same assessment year after year. Instead of making laws for rich people then applying them unequally, I want to strike down ordinance after ordinance to free up law enforcement to focus on serious crime. Make a fair law for a poor man then apply it equally to all people...even city council. This is a historic election. Blair Hawkins (electronic mail, April 6, 2000).