Archives - Opportunity for All Television Ad
April 2000
Elections 2000: Opportunity for All Television Ad
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30 second spot: Opportunity For All


Not long ago the heart of our city had promise but no direction.


Grainy black and white, windswept empty street

Very recently, things have changed for the better.

Responsible development has created a thriving downtown -- the heart and soul of our community.

Responsible development means better schools, more jobs and increased opportunity for all.


Active downtown, families walking the mall, etc.


Responsible development begins with visionary, can-do leadership.

Let's keep Charlottesville moving in the right direction.

Support Jon Bright, Elizabeth Fortune and Meredith Richards on May 2nd.


Vote Bright - Fortune - Richards May 2nd

Paid for and authorized by Opportunity For All PAC.

(Opportunity for All, electronic mail, April 19, 2000).

Comments? Questions? Write me at