Archives - Diversity in Richmond, Virginia
April 2000
Letters to the Editor: Diversity in Richmond, Virginia
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If ever we start thinking that our City Council race is getting crazy, consider Richmond, where 21 people are running for 9 seats. In the Sixth District, Sa'ad El-Amin, a lawyer whose license has been suspended, is opposed by Shirley Harvey, who publishes a newspaper called the Richmond Radiant Light. During a previous term on City Council, she organized a 6 AM prayer service on City Hall's observation deck to greet the sunrise and to banish evil spirits from the City. In the Eighth District, 5 candidates are running, including incumbent Reva Trammell, Claudette Black McDaniel, who held the seat from 1977 to 1990, and Preston Brown, a disc jockey and professional wrestler.

Aren't we sane by comparison?

Lloyd Snook (electronic mail, April 19, 2000).

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