"At its September 20, 1999 meeting, Charlottesville City Council
"discussed following the County's lead on addressing the decision by
the University of Virginia (UVa.) to abandon admissions policies designed
to increase the number of minorities" (Sydney Burnter, The Observer
[Charlottesville], September 29th - October 5th).
"Councilor Meredith Richards expressed concern that minorities
would stop applying to UVA., not because they lack qualification, but because
'they are no longer interested in going to states where they do not feel
welcomed" (Sydney Burnter, The Observer [Charlottesville], September
29th - October 5th).
"The issue was sparked several weeks ago when U.Va. board member
Terence P. Ross told The Daily Progress in Charlottesville the school is
trying to find alternatives to racial considerations in admissions, which
could be legally indefensible if challenged. Ross, from Alexandria, also
said U.Va. has in some cases reached 'a little bit down our academic standards
to recruit black students'" (Carlos Santos, The Richmond Times-Dispatch,
September 29, 1999).
"The board has not formally voted on the issue, said Louise
Dudley, a spokeswoman for U.Va. 'We do believe our admission processes are
legal and defensible. But we have been concerned about the unsettled state
of the law'" (Carlos Santos, The Richmond Times-Dispatch, September
29, 1999).
"On Friday, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against
race-based admissions at an Arlington County elementary magnet school, adding
to the concern of black leaders, several of whom have called on Gov. Jim
Gilmore to remove Ross from the board because of his remarks. Lila Young,
a spokeswoman for the governor, said Gilmore is out of town and has not
seen the request from the Virginia chapter of the NAACP" (Carlos
Santos, The Richmond Times-Dispatch, September 29, 1999).
"Mayor Virginia Daugherty and Councilor Maurice Cox are preparing
language for a proposed resolution defending the practice of race-based
admissions [at UVa]. Council is scheduled to discuss the proposal at its
Oct. 4 meeting" (Sydney Burnter, The Observer [Charlottesville],
September 29th - October 5th).