"As City Council continues its budget process, the Council plans
to address the wages of city employees making under $8 an hour as a part
of the city's living wage campaign" (Daniel Rubin, The Cavilier
Daily, March 10, 1999).
The City of Charlottesville employees approximately 700 employees
in regular positions. Of these employees, there are 19 who earn less than
$8 an hour. According to a memo by city staff requested by City Council,
"'A 5% pay for performance increase would reduce the number to 11.
We are committed to making market adjustments (effective in the fiscal year
that begins July 1) that will increase the remaining rates above $8/hour'"
(Memo on Competitive Market Wages, Charlottesville City Staff, March
15, 1999).
"'There are 118 seasonal positions, 20 temporary positions and
61 substitute positions with hourly rates less than $8. Human Resources
assumes that market demand will necessitate increased wage levels for these
positions and that accompanying market adjustments will correct the pay
ranges'" (Memo on Competitive Market Wages, Charlottesville City
Staff, March 15, 1999).