Archives - The Importance of Core Values
June 1999
Gun Control: The Importance of Core Values
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In a speech last month -- one of his many money-making appearances these days -- Newt Gingrich told the Republican Women Leaders Forum:

"'I want to say to the elite of this country -- the elite news media, the liberal academic elite, the liberal political elite -- I accuse you in Littleton, and I accuse you in Kosovo, of being afraid to talk about the mess you have made and of being afraid to take responsibility for the things you have done and, instead, of forcing on the rest of us pathetic banalities because you don't have the courage to look at the world you have created'" (The Washington Spectator, June 15, 1999).

Speaking of teachers' unions and what he called 'the elite's' responsibility for high-school shootings, Gingrich added:

"'We have had a 35-year experiment in a unionized, bureaucratic, secular assault on the core values of this country ... God has been driven out of the classroom. We have seen the result in a secular, atheistic system in which God is not allowed to exist'" (The Washington Spectator, June 15, 1999).

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