Archives - Love Story, the Internet, and Love Canal
December 1999
Elections 2000: Love Story, the Internet, and Love Canal
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"Add Love Canal to the fist of verbal missteps by Vice President Gore" (Ceci Connolly, The Washington Post, December 2, 1999).

"The man who mistakenly claimed to inspired the movie 'Love Story' and to have invented the Internet says he didn't quite mean to say he discovered a toxic waste site when he said at a high school forum Tuesday in New Hampshire: 'I found a little place in upstate New York called Love Canal.'" (Ceci Connolly, The Washington Post, December 2, 1999).

"Gore went on to brag about holding the 'first hearing on that issue' and said 'I was the one that started it all.'" (Ceci Connolly, The Washington Post, December 2, 1999).

"But yesterday, the Democratic presidential candidate called an Associated Press reporter in upstate New York to play down his role and applaud local residents of the Niagara neighborhood who fought the long battle against the waste site." (Ceci Connolly, The Washington Post, December 2, 1999).

"'If anybody got the misimpression that I claimed to do what citizens in Love Canal did, I apologize,' Gore said in a telephone interview he initiated." (Ceci Connolly, The Washington Post, December 2, 1999).

"As a junior House member, Gore held hearings in 1978 on the dangers of chemical contamination - two months after residents evacuated Love Canal" (Ceci Connolly, The Washington Post, December 2, 1999).

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