Archives - Michel Criticizes Conservative Coalition
Mar 1998
Albemarle County Budget Hearing: Michel Criticizes Conservative Coalition
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At a public budget hearing last Wednesday, Madeline Michel questioned the motives of the Conservative Coalition, "a budget watchdog group formed by Albemarle residents John Carter and the Reverend Peter Way" (Charlotte Stichter, The Observer, March 18-24, 1998).

" 'I don't really believe it's about money, she told the Board (of Supervisors). 'I believe all this talk about fiscal responsibility is just a smoke screen to obscure their larger agenda ....'" (Charlotte Stichter, The Observer, March 18-24, 1998).

"'[T]he leaders of this group, and Mr. Way in particular, represent a population that seems extremely hostile toward public school teachers and the very idea of public education, which I think they perceive as a hotbed of ideas that they find unacceptable: tolerance, diversity, and open-mindedness,' Michel added" (Charlotte Stichter, The Observer, March 18-24, 1998).

"Michel, who is originally from New York, said she thinks the Albemarle schools are doing an excellent job and are a good investment for taxpayers. 'As we would say in New York, what a bargain,' she added in a mock New York accent" (Charlotte Stichter, The Observer, March 18-24, 1998).

"Michel was reprimanded by County Supervisor Walter Perkins (I-White Hall). 'I don't think this is the place for the kind of remarks we have just heard,' he said. Board Chairman Forrest Marshall (I-Scottsville) agreed and added, 'This is Charlottesville, not New York" (Charlotte Stichter, The Observer, March 18-24, 1998).

Mr. Way on Friday said "that his organization did not have a social agenda with regard to county schools. 'Those kind of attacks on us are typical ... of the liberal mindset,' he said. At the same time, Way said that social and fiscal issues can be difficult to separate. 'Obviously,' he said, ' anytime you are dealing with budget matters, there are certain spending patterns that deal with social issues.' But focusing on those issues 'isn't the Coalition's purpose,' he said" (Charlotte Stichter, The Observer, March 18-24, 1998).

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