20 slices white bread, crusts removed; 3 ounces Bleu cheese; one 8-ounce
package cream cheese, softened; 1 egg, beaten; one 14 1/2-ounce can asparagus
spears; 1 cup butter; wooden toothpicks.
Flatten each bread slice with rolling pin. Combine the cream cheese with
Bleu cheese and beaten egg. Mix well and spread evenly on bread, covering
to the edge. Put one asparagus spear on each slice of bread; roll up and
secure with wooden toothpicks. Dip in or brush with melted butter. Place
on baking sheet, cover tightly and freeze. When ready to use, partially
thaw and slice each rollup into 3 equal pieces. Bake at 375 degrees for
15 minutes or until golden and crispy. You might bake them whole and serve
with soup or salad for a luncheon. Makes 10 servings. (30 minutes preparation
time. Suitable for freezing.) (Virgil Goode, Jr., The Congressional Club
Cookbook, Thirteenth Edition, 1998).