Archives - Due Process in the Appointment of James C. Hormel
Apr 1998
Open Letter from Alice Turner to Trent Lott: Due Process in the Appointment of James C. Hormel
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April 14, 1998

Dear Senator Lott,

I am writing to urge you to bring James C. Hormel's nomination as Ambassador to Luxembourg to a vote on the floor of the Senate. The stone-walling of this appointment reflects a flagrant disregard of all that we hold most precious in a democratic society. If he is voted down then so be it, but not to allow due process to take place is a clear indictment of a branch of our government that seems at times to be inclined to exhibit its own peculiar from of despotism. The President has nominated him and the Senate Foreign Relations committee has recommended him. Let the next process take place.

I am a sixty three year old retired counseling psychologist. I am the mother of six children and the step-mother of three. I have 17 grandchildren. Thirteen of those grandchildren I share with James Hormel. I have known Jim for 46 years and for ten of those years I was married to him. During those ten years we had five children. He had been told by his minister if he got married his homosexuality would "go away". So for many years he tried his hardest to live what was a lie. Of course you might say I was the "injured party," but I grew to understand the terrible prejudice and hatred that he knew he would have to face, that he has faced and is facing as he goes through the difficult process this nomination and its opponents have put him through. James Hormel is my dear friend, I care very deeply about him and have great admiration for his courage in being open about his momosexuality and his willingness to put himself on the line in accepting this nomination.

Actually his being gay is quite irrelevant. He is highly qualified for this job. He is marvelous with people, articulate, very intelligent and well versed in foreign policy issues. He would do our country proud.

I share with you these personal things because I gather his personal ethics have been questioned. If anyone on this earth could come close to judging that it would be me. He is a wonderful father, grandfather and friend. We have a very powerful, close family. My present husband considers James Hormel one of his closest friends. Jim Hormel has given enormously to his family, his community and to this country. He is just asking to be allowed to give one more time. This is a good man. Give him a chance.



Dr. Alice Parker Hormel Turner

Somerset, Virginia 22972


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