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A member of the Virginia State Senate since 1973, when he was elected to the Congress in the Fifth District of Virginia in 1996.
As a candidate to Congress, Virgil sought "the support of Virginians all across the district: The people in the stores and on the farms, on the sidewalks and in the cafes, in the factories and in the homes ..." saying that he would work for better schools for our children, for economic development, and for low taxes.
To contact Virgil Goode, you may write: Congressman Virgil Goode, 1520 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D. C. 20515-4605
or call the Washington office at 1-202-225-4711; or call toll-free to the Danville office, 1-800-535-4008; or e-mail Please be sure to include your name and address in your email.
To learn more about Virgil Goode, you might go to his web site and/or visit my own web site, "The Widening Gyre".
Links to News about
Virgil Goode on "The Widening Gyre"
Virgina 5th District Congressional Race Virgil's Path to Independence Virgil Goode on Gun Control Virgil Goode on Tobacco Virgil Goode on Taxes Virgil Goode and Freedom of Religion Virgil Goode and Healthcare Letters to the Editor Virgil Goode and Reproductive Choice Fundraising GLBT Issues
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